1 Risk

1.1 The Game

  • Domain: the dice battles, not the board game
  • Attacker and Defender each have some number of units
  • Units battle with die rolls in successive rounds
  • Attacker goal: destroy all Defender units
  • Defender goal: reduce Attacker units to 1

1.2 Battle Unit Rules

  • Attacker has A units, Defender has D units
  • Attacker can use min(3, A-1)
  • Defender can use min(2, D)

1.3 Battle Dice Rules

  • A and D rolls are sorted in descending order and zipped
  • e.g. A {4,1,3} and D {4,2} -> [(4,4), (3,2)]
  • Defender has advantage: win on condition (>=)
  • e.g. (4,4) -> Defender wins if 4 >= 4

1.4 Question

  • Given starting number of units (A, D)…
  • What is the exact probability that Attacker wins?

2 Computing Probabilities

2.1 Approach

  • Find out probability of each possible battle outcome
  • Chain probability of outcomes
  • From game specs, there are limited battles
  • [(3,2), (3,1), (2,2), (2,1), (1,2), (1,1)]

2.2 Outcome Example

  • (1,1): Attacker 1 die vs Defender 1 die
  • What are outcomes and associated probabilities?
  • Both die can roll 1 to 6, so 36 battle permutations
  • Attacker loses in 21 / 36; Defender loses in 15 / 36

2.3 Haskell Implementation

successExact :: Battlefield -> Probability
successExact (Battlefield _ 0) = 1
successExact (Battlefield 1 _) = 0
successExact b =
  case M.lookup (maxTroops b) pMap of
    Nothing -> 0
    Just ps -> agg $ map update $ filter (not . aLoses b) ps
  where update (p, losses) = (p, updateField b losses)

agg :: [(Probability,  Battlefield)] -> Probability
agg pairs = foldr f 0 pairs
  where f (p, b) accP = accP + (p * successExact b)

3 Results

3.1 10 x 10 Matrix


3.2 Notes

  • The Rational type in Haskell gives exact results
A: 3 B: 3 | Exact: 20.61%  | Exact: 692225 % 3359232
A: 3 B: 4 | Exact: 9.13%   | Exact: 5520775 % 60466176

3.3 Also Interesting

  • Wolfram Alpha



3.4 Next Steps

  • Elm visualization of probability chain!