Taro Kuriyama


Select Projects

Treemap Generator, Spring 2021
An interactive generator for squarified treemaps.

U.S. Equities, Spring 2021
A demo of the elm-datagrid library with U.S. equities data.

Sudoku, Fall 2020
Visualizing a Sudoku solver's iterations.

Palindromes II, Winter 2013
A visual representation of a linear-time algorithm for finding the longest palindromic substring.

Other Projects

Elm Package Search, Winter 2021
Experimenting with a deeper search index for Elm packages.

Sieve of Eratosthenes, Fall 2021
Tracing an efficient algorithm for the Sieve of Eratosthenes in Elm, step by step.

Digital Arborist, Spring 2021 -
A procedurally generated digital arboreum.

Game of Risk, Fall 2020
Visualizing probability trees from the game of Risk.

Palindromes I, Winter 2013
A visualization of a naive algorithm to find the longest palindromic substring within a given string.

Boids, Summer 2013
An implementation of the boids algorithm by Craig Reynolds, which simulates flocking of bird-like objects.

The Healthcare Spread, Summer 2013
A visualization to explore the price differentials observed in the Medicare Provider Charge dataset.

The Great Gatsby, Spring 2013
A representation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby by its characters and common words.

Mortality Rates, Winter 2010
An exploration of the CDC timeseries dataset for mortality rates in the United States.

The Tree of Life, Spring 2009
Undergraduate project to visualize the Eubacteria branch of the Tree of Life using a squarified treemap.

(c) Taro Kuriyama, 2009-present. All rights reserved.